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HomeARRL Radio Field Day



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Open to all licensed amateur radio operators worldwide, ARRL Field Day is both a contest and a practice exercise of radio skills. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

Family Friendly Event! Ham Radio Field Day has Educational Demonstrations, Maker Activities, Telescopes (weather permitting). Hosted by members of Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society (STARS), New England Amateur Radio (NEAR), and New England Sci-Tech (NEST).

2025, Full Event: Sat June 28, 2pm to Sun, June 29, 2pm.

Public hours: Sat 2–5 pm and Sun 10 am to 2 pm for tours, soldering workshop, maker activities, hidden transmitter hunts, and license testing. (License exam is 7 pm Saturday)

New England Sci-Tech, 16 Tech Circle, Natick.

Field Day runs outside in vans and tents running off alternative power to simulate emergency conditions.
However, the building is open for tours, restrooms, maker activities, etc.
There will be a Yard Sale on Sunday morning, 9-noon.


Group photo assembled to show off the Governor's Proclamation which had just arrived. Youth members and youth visitors were 44% of the group!

Members of the general public, radio amateurs, scouts, and their friends and families are welcome to participate. You don’t need a radio license to participate, as you can operate with one of the club’s General or Extra class licensees as the control operator. On-site training will be provided.

GOTA (Get On The Air) TENT:
During public hours, anyone who is newly licensed or unlicensed can participate and receive instruction.

Sign up using the form below to let us know when you will be participating and how many in your group.

Mark KC1MNF helps a young visitor "get on the air" in the GOTA Tent. Bruce N9JBT and others helped staff GOTA.


5:00 pm - Begin setting up antennas and staging FD equipment.

9:00 am – Field Day helpers set up
12:00 pm – Lunch for members and set-up participants
1:00 pm – Power up and TEST all radios; troubleshooting begins
2:00 pm – Doors open to public. Radio Field Day begins. GOTA Tent opens for guests.
2:00-5:00 pm – Public Visiting Hours, for tours, soldering workshop, maker activities, hidden transmitter hunts
4:00 pm – Group Photo on the stairs in front of GOTA Tent
5:30 pm – Dinner for members and non-public participants
7:00 pm – Radio License Exam Session
10:00 pm – non-overnight participants leave; building closes

8:00 am – Breakfast for members and non-public participants
9:00 am-noon – Yard Sale Items available and on display
10:00 am-2 pm – Public Visiting Hours, for tours, soldering workshop, hidden transmitter hunts. GOTA Tent opens for guests.
12:00 pm – Lunch for members and non-public participants
1:00 pm – Preliminary cleanup begins
2:00 pm – Radio Field Day ends; full cleanup begins
4:00 pm – Cleanup ends
4:00 pm – NEST Leadership Team Meeting

Keiran KC1TDE (back) and Oliver KC1TCM (front) using the HF rigs in the new STARS Comm Trailer. Great progress on the interior thanks to Mike K1WPI, Joe KM1P, and the trailer committee.



Maker Activities, Soldering Workshops (Sat 2-5 pm, Sun 10am-noon)

For children of members and visitors, there will be a number of different hands-on activities led by volunteer helpers through the afternoon.

GOTA Tent: During public hours, anyone who is newly licensed or unlicensed can participate and receive instruction.
Presented by some of our members, this activity for the general public will walk you through the steps to getting your ham radio license and let you "Get On The Air" to try it out. This is a great intro for scouts, scout masters, and teachers, as well as the general public.

Ham Radio Movie Marathon (Sat 2–5 pm, Sun 10am–2pm)
Selected publicly available movies (with screening permissions) that feature amateur radio. Shows are free and open to the public.

Provided by New England Sci-Tech. Meals will be provided for radio operators, club members, and any non-public participants of Field Day. A small charge per meal will be requested. Please bring cash with you as change and credit may not be available.

Max W0MXX explains telemetry from the high-altitude balloon payloads to a visitor. The New England Balloon Society had a booth in the lobby for Field Day.



Anyone interested is welcome to visit the FD site. However, a successful Field Day club operation requires participants willing make a commitment to come for at least part of the weekend, including set-up and/or clean-up. If you would like to participate in Field Day, please fill out this form: Summer Field Day Participant Signup

If you would like to find out more about Field Day: Contact Us

For VISITOR GROUPS, sign up is appreciated, but feel free to just walk in if you are uncommitted to a time.



  • Emergency Preparedness Exercise
  • Demonstration and utilization of ICS
  • Getting new, inactive, and potential hams on the air
  • Presenting amateur radio to the public, and to school students
  • Demonstrating amateur radio’s emergency capabilities to area EMAs
  • Education in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields
  • Having fun

    Basic Operational Details:
  • Class 1A
    • One HF station
    • One VHF station (6, 2, .70)
    • GOTA station (40/20)
  • Operation from emergency power – generators & solar charged batteries
  • Computer logging with N1MM+ Logger; training available on-site & possibly in advance
  • Group meals – per person per meal collection to cover costs
  • Guide to Competitive Field Day Operating, by Jeremy Breef-Pilz
For rules and other information about the ARRL Field Day, click here.