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2024 Summer Workshops



New England Sci-Tech Summer Makers are young inventors, coders, builders, and super scientists who love any kind of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEM or STEAM). These summer workshops are for children entering grades 4 through 9 in the fall.


THEME WEEKS are for inspiration, discussion, and some special activities. The theme is enrichment on top of the regular workshops and activities. 

This three-day program runs Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday each week 9:00-noon and 12:00-3:00 pm from June to end of August. (Note the holiday week shift to Mon-Tue-Wed.) Certain weeks may have an Optional Friday that can be signed up separately. We are generally closed Mondays.

Rate: 3 days, 3 hours AM or PM, total 9 hours a week for $162. (members $144)

NOTE: This web page explains the details of this workshop. To register, please click on the actual course start-date BELOW or in the EVENTS CALENDAR and look for the REGISTER tab to the upper right.

Details about the Summer Workshops on this page: Bookmark it for future reference.

Early drop-off and late pickup are in the half hour each side of each 3-hour block.


Students who wish to attend an AM and PM workshop on the same day may stay through the lunch time for no extra charge. NE SciTech offers snacks and lunch items for purchase separately (most items are $1 or $1.50 each) or students may bring their own food. There are refrigerators to keep things cold.


Students may bring a small backpack with personal items as desired – their own water bottle with their NAME on it, a snack, lunch if staying through noon, summer reading book, etc. Please put your child's NAME on ALL PERSONAL ITEMS. Please, no chewing gum or candy.

In addition to registering for this workshop, please fill out the Workshop Student Permissions Form.


WEEK 1:  Tu-W-Th   Jun 18-20,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00
ROCKET SCIENCE WEEK: Yes, this IS rocket science! Build air-powered and engine powered rockets, Moon and Mars missions, a Tesla roadster in space… Rocket Launch in Acton on Saturday, June 22!


WEEK 2:  Tu-W-Th   Jun 25-27,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00

SCI-FI WEEK: Exploring the science fiction genre in books, movies, and art. How did sci-fi inspire a generation of inventors and scientists? Explore the unique contributions made by 2001 A Space Odyssey, Star Wars, and Star Trek.


WEEK 3:  MON-Tu-W   July 1-3,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00   (Note the shift to MON-Tu-W this week.)

SUPERCONDUCTORS WEEK: Conductors and insulators, semiconductors, and SUPER Conductors – what are they? How are they changing the world? We will have Liquid Nitrogen available to experiment with the superconductors.


WEEK 4:  Tu-W-Th   July 9-11,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00

ELECTRONIC GADGETS WEEK:  Build an awesome electronics gadget or invent your own! Learn to use soldering irons to connect electronic circuits.  We will also have Liquid Nitrogen available to do super cold experiments.


WEEK 5:  Tu-W-Th   July 16-18,  AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00

BACK TO THE MOON WEEK: Moon missions, rovers, Neil Armstrong. Explore planetary and Lunar geology, rocks from other planets. See a rock from Mars and touch a rock from the Moon. Nightly public telescope nights to see the First Quarter Moon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, 7:00-9:00 PM. We will also have Liquid Nitrogen available to do super cold experiments.


WEEK 6:  Tu-W-Th   July 23-25,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00 

ROCKET SCIENCE WEEK: Yes, this IS rocket science! Build air-powered and engine powered rockets, Moon and Mars missions, a Tesla roadster in space… Rocket Launch in Acton on Saturday, July 27!


WEEK 7:  Tu-W-Th   Jul 30 - Aug 1,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00 

PINEWOOD DERBY WEEK: Explore wooden car and model making, old and new, and learn how to use woodshop tools to make a car. Race on the final day.


WEEK 8:  Tu-W-Th   Aug 6-8,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00

SUBATOMIC WEEK: What is holding the universe together? Exploring the “glue” and the particles that make life, the universe and everything.


WEEK 9:  Tu-W-Th   Aug 13-15,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00
SPACE SCIENCE WEEK: 1st Quarter Moon is up! Explore planetary and Lunar geology, rocks from other planets. See a rock from Mars and touch a rock from the Moon. And public telescope nights to see the First Quarter Moon, Wed, Fri, Sat, 8:00-9:00 PM. Rocket Launch in Acton on Saturday, August 17!


WEEK 10:  Tu-W-Th   Aug 20-22,   AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00
WIRELESS TECH WEEK: crystal radios, fox hunts, autonomous cars, bluetooth....


WEEK 11:  Tu-W-Th   Aug 27-29,  AM: 9-noon;   PM: 12:00-3:00
VINTAGE TECH WEEK: Gadgets and inventions from all eras - phonographs, tape players, mechanical calculators, and rotary dial phones. Where are they now? Do you have a vintage gadget you want to bring in and show off?


While we generally steer everyone toward group activities, within time and staffing constraints we try to give students choices and variety.  Workshops may include Electronic Kits Soldering, Battlin’ Bots, LASER cutting and engraving, Woodworking Projects, Model Rocketry, Planetarium Shows, Bridge Building Contests, Oobleck, Arts and Crafts, Shortwave & Ham Radio, Making Kites, Chess / Board Games, Pinewood Derby Racing, Airplane Design Contest, Chess Tournaments, Billiards tournaments, MIDI keyboard music.

One average size project kit per session is built into the price of the workshop. Larger or advanced kits or projects that consume more than average material will be billed at cost with your permission. This might include extra wood, additional electronics kits, Estes model rocket kits, meteorites for jewelry, and over-size 3D print objects, for example.


Although workshops are structured instructional time, we recognize that some students need frequent breaks or change of pace, so students are welcome to switch in and out of structured activities as they wish.  Those arriving earlier or staying later will have unstructured time to socialize, work on projects, play games, watch educational science videos, or just chill out.


Students may bring in their own science or educational items at their own risk, labeled with their name, in an appropriate container, box, or backpack. These items may include their own laptop computers if doing computer activities, although we have computers for general use. They may bring Magic cards, inexpensive musical instruments, sketchpads, a summer reading book, small electronic devices, small robots, or licensed amateur radios. Sometimes children have down time while waiting for a printout, waiting for a ride, or just needing a break from other children. Personal items, books, game card games can provide a comfortable diversion. If you have questions about what is acceptable to bring, please call.


Check us out before signing up! You want to know us, see our facilities, and meet our staff. Come to one of our regular weekend open houses. Or call us to schedule an appointment to visit. We want you and your child to be comfortable with our facility and program, and we prefer that you not sign up until after you have toured the facility and met us.


Based on past years’ experience, we recommend that a child not attend too many weeks in a row or too many AM+PM sessions in a row.  Although children do really enjoy our programs and love to be here, they will find that many of our activities repeat every couple of days or weeks. We can’t always have a completely new activity for each of the 80 individual sessions. Some children love to repeat activities, some do not. Which does your child prefer? Please book sessions with that in mind.

In addition to registering for this workshop, please fill out the Workshop Student Permissions Form