Meeting Times
STARS meets most Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM both on Zoom and in person at 16 Tech Circle, Natick, MA. Members may come in as early as 3:00 PM to use the radio room. We usually have at least two guest speakers per month on a wide range of topics in radio or other sciences. When we don't have a speaker, we may hold a general meeting, shop talk meeting, or work on projects like communications trailer.
STARS also hosts the
Wireless Technology Club (WTC) that gets hands-on with wireless tech, electronics, and radio communications. For paid members only, "WiTech" meets approximately twice a month on Saturday mornings, 10-11:30 AM. We work on antenna builds, soldering kits, RF robotics, competitive fox hunts, long range communication (DX) contests, Morse code, high altitude balloon tracking, encoding and decoding data signals, and more. Both youth (grades 4+) and adults are welcome.
ARRL Affiliated Club
STARS is an affiliated club of the national American Radio Relay League (ARRL). As such, we need at least 50% of STARS members to be ARRL members as well. Please read about all the
benefits of an ARRL membership and join ARRL today!