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HomeEventsSTARS - Amateur Radio Club 7 pm - “The Science, Engineering, and Wonder of Sailing” by Ken Stafford

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STARS - Amateur Radio Club 7 pm - “The Science, Engineering, and Wonder of Sailing” by Ken Stafford

About this event

The Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society (STARS) welcomes amateur radio operators of all ages from around the Boston metro-west suburbs and beyond. We meet both in-person in Natick and via Zoom for those who live further away.

Please register if you plan to join us in person and have some pizza ($2.50/slice).  We need a head count for ordering food. 


Tue, Aug 6: “The Science, Engineering, and Wonder of Sailing” by Ken Stafford, Professor Emeritus at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Director Emeritus of WPI’s Robotics Resource Center.


Description: This talk describes Ken’s 50+ year involvement with sailing. What started as a simple boat-building construction project became a life-long fascination. The engineer/scientist in Ken demanded to understand the physics and engineering involved. Progressing through a variety of increasingly larger and more complex boats, in 1997 Ken, his wife, two school-age daughters, and two family cats moved aboard their 52 ft sailboat that became their floating home/transportation for the next 12 months. Highlighting their need for weather and sea condition information in the mid-Atlantic (as well as emergency communications) was their reliance on their HF/amateur band radio. As an engineering professor at WPI, Ken’s discussion concludes in describing one of his most interesting advising projects - developing a robotic sailboat to compete in the annual International Robotic Sailing Regatta. His teams are now four-time world champions; their autonomous and remote-control creations depend upon a wide variety of RF-enabled communications.


Bio: Following his BS in mechanical engineering, Ken Stafford joined the USAF. His 24-year career included 4000 hours of flying and an MS in aeronautical engineering. Upon retirement as a colonel, he and his family moved aboard a 52 ft sail boat where they spent the next 12 months visiting twenty countries and accumulating 9000 sea miles. Returning to New England, he became the first Director of Robotics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. As such, he helped develop the nation’s first BS program in robotics engineering. Currently a professor emeritus at WPI, he remains an avid runner, sailor, and project advisor.

Favorite Links:

STARS Web Page:  Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society (STARS)
ARRL Field Day: ARRL Radio Field Day
Winter Field Day: Amateur Radio Winter Field Day
HamXposition: Northeast HamXposition - Marlborough MA
Download FAQ for Parents:  Amateur Radio FAQ for Parents

See the STARS Web Page for other helpful links and event details.

Date and Time

Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


New England Sci-Tech
16 Tech Circle
Natick, MA  01760
Meeting ID:
231 170 127

Event Contact(s)

Bob Phinney
508-720-4179 (p)


Club Meeting

Registration Info

Registration is recommended